
Thermal decomposition, or thermolysis, is a chemical decomposition caused by heat. The decomposition temperature of a substance is the temperature at which the substance chemically decomposes.

The reaction is usually endothermic as heat is required to break chemical bonds in the compound undergoing decomposition. If decomposition is sufficiently exothermic, a positive feedback loop is created producing thermal runaway and possibly an explosion.

Illustration of how skin damage in Thermolysis (RF) occurs

ThermolysisThis sketch demonstrates the area affected by the RF or thermolysis whenever a hair is treated. It is in yellow.

However whenever two hairs fall within the range of each other, a double exposure to RF occurs. This may or may not result in skin damage. This is illustrated by the orange/brown areas.

However whenever a third exposure of RF falls within range of the first two, the potential for severe skin damage can occur and this area is marked in red. Note the damage on several photographs, and you will see how the scarring presents itself as irregular areas or marbling. This may also result in pitting. No amount of plastic surgery or skin surfacing techniques will remove these types of scars. They are permanently a part of the skin itself.

This overlapping of power is touted to the community as doubling or tripling the effectiveness of treatment, when in fact, the overlap between any three hairs is sufficient to cook the skin into a serious second degree radiation burn with severe tissue damage. One operator even went so far as to dismiss the damage as “an allergic reaction” and it was not until the scars formed that the truth was known. Sad to say, there is no such thing as an allergic reaction to thermolysis.