Construction of Involute of Square

Sample problem 1:
Draw the Involute of a square of side 25mm. Draw a tangent and normal at any point M.

Steps for Construction of Involute of square:

  1. Draw a Square ABCD of side 25mm. A as center and AB as radius, draw an arc to cut DA produced at P1.
  2. D as center and DP1 as radius draw an arc to cut CD produced at P2.
  3. C as center and CP2 as radius draw an arc to cut BC produced at P3.
  4. Similarly, B as center and BP3 as radius draw an arc to cut AB produced at P4.
  5. Normal and Tangent:
    The given point M lies in the arc P3 P4 .The center of the arc P3 P4 is point B.Join B and M.

    Extend BM which is required Normal. At M draw a perpendicular to the normal to obtain the Tangent TT.

Construction of involute of square

Video Material for Construction of Involute of Square

Construction of involute of square