TECHNICAL ENGLISH II SYLLABUS UNIT I 9+3 Listening – Listening to informal conversations and participating; Speaking – Opening a conversation (greetings, comments on topics like weather) – Turn taking – Closing a conversation (excuses, general...

Engineering Physics 2 syllabus

Engineering Physics 2 syllabus UNIT I CONDUCTING MATERIALS Conductors – classical free electron theory of metals – Electrical and thermal conductivity –Wiedemann – Franz law – Lorentz number – Draw backs of classical theory – Quantum theory – Fermi distribution...

Programming and Data Structures I

Contents mainly for Engineering students of Anna University Affiliated colleges of regulation 2013. We are providing programming and data structures 1 syllabus, programming and data structures 1 Important questions, programming and data structures 1 Video materials,...

Engineering Mathematics 2

Contents mainly for Engineering students of Anna University Affiliated colleges of regulation 2013. We are providing Engineering Mathematics 2 syllabus, Engineering Mathematics 2 Important questions, Engineering Mathematics 2 Video materials, Modal question paper,...

Engineering mathematics 2 syllabus

Engineering mathematics 2 syllabus UNIT I VECTOR CALCULUS  Gradient, divergence and curl – Directional derivative – Irrotational and solenoidal vector fields –Vector integration – Green’s theorem in a plane, Gauss divergence theorem and Stokes’ theorem(excluding...

PDS Lab [Data Structures]

 PDS LAB LIST OF EXPERIMENTS – PDS LAB 1. C Programs using Conditional and Control Statements. 2. C Programs using Arrays, Strings and Pointers and Functions . 3. Representation of records using Structures in C – Creation of Linked List – Manipulation of records...