
A sonogram is a medical procedure that uses ultrasound waves to create a picture of something that is happening within a person’s body. This is a very common procedure in pregnancy, and is what produces the black-and-white fetal pictures that so many new parents proudly display to friends and family. Medical professionals use the technology for a range of conditions, however, including cancer biopsies and organ evaluations. The pictures generated from sonograms give experts a relatively clean look into the body to understand what is happening without having to perform surgery or other invasive procedures.

Sonogram download

How it Works

Sonogram machines emit sound waves, often known as ultrasound waves, that bounce off of organs, bones, and muscles. The machines are able to calculate the distance between waves in order to generate a very accurate picture, which is displayed on a specialized computer screen.

In most cases, the waves are both sent and received from a wand-like instrument known as a transducer. A trained technician will usually gently touch the wand to the skin above the area of interest. Jelly or lubricant is often applied first, both to help the wand glide and to amplify the sound waves to generate a clearer, more accurate picture. Most sonogram sessions result in pictures from many different angles, which technicians and medical professionals look at in sequence to get an idea of what is happening internally.

Uses in Pregnancy

Doctors and medical teams in many parts of the world use sonogram technology as a way to monitor pregnancy. Sonogram pictures can help identify the basic anatomy of a developing fetus, and can often detect birth defects and abnormalities very early on. Most of the time, this technology can also identify the gender of the growing child.

Standard sonogram transducers cannot always detect the signs of a very early pregnancy. When there is reason to check on fetal progress within the first few months of development, medical experts must usually use what is known as a transvaginal transducer, a very narrow wand that must be inserted into the pregnant woman’s vagina. Once in place, the transducer is usually able to detect the presence of fetal growth — and can often even capture the baby’s heartbeat.